Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BM course and Nationals updates

Attention especially to those who are interested in getting their Bronze Medallion Certification (BM Cert)! Mr Ivan, after what seemed like forever, has finally approved the pending coach to start carrying out lessons for Lifesaving 1/2/3 and BM. The date for the first lesson and other details about the course are tentatively unconfirmed. For those who are interested to take this course, please contact our captain chen kuan and let him know. It would most probably be on every Tuesday. There are limited slots as to the number of students the coach can take, so do let us know soon if you're keen.

On the other hand, Lifesaving Nationals is fast approaching! In fact, it is barely 2 weeks away, and here's hoping all those who are participating this year will work extra hard and reap some results to show off to Ivan! And for those aspiring participants, don't worry, there is always next year. Meanwhile train hard to catch up, and don't forget to keep your Aug 1st free so that you can be down to support NYP!

just a simple quote to always remember: You need to believe you can to be able to! (:

signing off