Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Upcoming events

Hello lifeguards!

Some of the upcoming events which you all might be interested :

1) Surf and Sweat 2010 (Deadline: 29th Jan 2010)

2) National Vertical Marathon 2010
Event date: 23rd
Climbing of stairs at 1 raffles place.
Registration fee: Early bird $22 per person

3) X-physique 2010 (NTU Adventure RAce)
Event date: 16th MAy 2010
Early bird price: $53/pax (inclusive of bike rental)
$40/pax if have own bike
Dateline: for early bird, 13th Feb (But must mail in earlier so that the letter reach on time.)

4) Bike Rally
Cycling a total distance of 168km.
Event date: 21st feb @ East coast park
Registration fee: $43 (inclusive of bike rental)

5) Sundown Marathon
Event date: 29th may 2010

6) North-East Run 2010
Event date : 14th MArch 2010

For those who haven't signed up for Surf and Sweat, Please do so before 29th Jan as its the last day!

Yup, thats about it. You can also check out the other events @ their webby.


credits to MingFei from ADC club! :)

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