Friday, April 2, 2010

Clubcrawl 10 updatesssss


Hope all of you've been constantly checking back here as it's more lively now that we are communicating through here more often. okay here're some serious updates on clubcrawl '10. We decided to assign an in-charge for different components of club crawl, and the in-charge will be responsible for planning and completing the component assigned to him/her.

Flyer designing - Captain Kuan
Club Crawl yellow lifeguard shirt - Captain Kuan
Notice Boards designing - Jiamin & Shimin
Logo & Slogon designing - Aaron
Banner - Kiat Han
Happiness photo - Team
Logistic for competition (swimsuit, shirt, jacket, package etc) - Weilun

I hope that the rest of the team will assist the in-charge in completing their tasks before dateline, which is club crawl itself. We aim to make this year's club crawl a roaring success ok!

Btw, I've did a bit of research and found a pretty useful logo which could be used on our team shirt.

gimmie some response as to what you think about it alright, spam the tagboard! and here are some slogan which I think might make it, comment too ty:

- we try to stay dry, that's how good we are
- the guys by the pool
- so others may live
- training hard to save life

Meanwhile that's about all, train hard for your events,
NUS invitation is on 19 June!

Hugs and Kisses
Lifesaving NYP

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